Have you ever come across the concepts of optimization in Java? It is necessary to understand that while working on any java application, the code we have written will not be clean and without fault. But we need to optimize that the code we write runs within the limited time. So, before writing code, we must understand the java coding principle and review our written code that meets the standard parameter.
But sometimes, we must remember to review the code we wrote due to deadline constraints. But what is the prominent role of the developer? Write clean, readable and precise code. Building an app that solves one issue is not as complex as we think.
If you want to become a Java developer, you can join Java Training in Chennai, which will help you have a profound understanding of Java performance tuning, high performance in Java, Data Types, Operators, Variables, Methods, Objects, Constructors and Strings.
In this blog, we shall discuss java performance tuning, high performance in Java, code optimization in Java and how to improve java application performance.
Java performance tuning
Writing code to create the application is quite challenging. It applies to any programming language or any platform that developers use. In addition to the common issues, Java performance tuning has its complexities. Consider the two-edged sword of garbage collection as an example.
App optimization does not require much effort, nor does the expert need to do so. There are various steps to follow the standard rules and practices that will provide a comprehensive understanding of how to improve the performance of java applications.
Now we shall discuss java performance tuning in detail. These 11 steps will aid in understanding code optimization in java applications. So, following these steps will help build the best java application. Moreover,
A few rules are universally applicable to all programmes and coding languages and are not language-specific.
We will review each tip, starting with the language-neutral suggestions and moving on to the recommendations more suited to the Java platform.
Only optimize after you know it is necessary
One of the most crucial performance-tuning tips is that.
You should implement your use cases effectively and adhere to accepted best practices.
But you should refrain from preceding using any standard libraries or creating intricate optimizations before you have established their necessity. Early optimization typically takes a lot of time, making the code difficult to read and maintain.
And to make matters worse, you invest a lot of time optimizing optional components of your application, which only sometimes yields advantages.
How, then, do you demonstrate the need for optimization? You must specify how quickly your application code must run, for example, by setting a maximum response time for each API call or defining the number of records you want to input.
Following that, you can assess which areas of your application need to be improved because they are operating too slowly. Then, after you have completed that, you should look at the second piece of advice.
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Encapsulation - Interfaces, Polymorphism, Exception Handling and Collection Framework
Use a profiler to find the real bottleneck
After you have followed the guidelines, you must analyze which portion of your needs improvement. Raise the question by yourself and start working on it. You can approach the question in two ways:
You can approach this question in two ways:
- You can look over your code and start with the odd portion or where you think it might cause issues.
- Alternatively, you can use a profiler to obtain comprehensive data regarding the operation and behaviour of each component of your code.
Choose the second approach because it gives you a profound understanding of how to start. So, you can follow the second approach.
It is evident that the profiler-based approach gives you an adequate understanding of your code's implementation and lets you focus on the essential parts. Furthermore, if you've ever used a profiler, you probably recall a few incidents in which you were taken aback by the details of your code that caused the performance problems. So, the assumption would have been incorrect more than once.
Create a java performance tuning suite for the whole application
The standard tips help you avoid unexpected bugs that often arise after you have executed the performance. So, creating a java performance tuning suite for the whole application will aid you in preventing production problems.
So, before implementing the performance testing, you should define the entire test suite, which will help carry out the complete performance testing. This will help you analyze the functional and performance problems and aid in taking precautions.
This is crucial if you work on components like databases or caches used by various parts of your application.
Work on the most significant bottleneck first
After analyzing your application with the profiler and defining your test, you can start working on the problem you intend to address and improve the performance.
Next, you will have the question of where to start. So, if you intend to solve the problem, evaluate which pronbel will cause a considerable drop down and impact the performance. You can start from there and win the issue.
It might be tempting to start with the immediate results because you will soon be able to demonstrate the first results. To convince your administration or team members, you need to prove that the performance evaluation was worthwhile; it might occasionally be necessary.
However, tackling the most serious performance issue will help you move further on java performance tuning.
Moreover, you will experience the most significant improvement in performance as a result, and you might only need to address a few of these problems to meet your performance requirements. The direction for general performance tuning is adequate. Let's now concentrate on a few that are specific to Java.
Use StringBuilder to concatenate Strings programmatically
In Java, there are many different ways to concatenate Strings.
For example, you might use a simple + or += and the trusted StringBuffer or a StringBuilder.
So, which strategy should you prefer? The code used to concatenate the String will determine the solution. Use the StringBuilder if you're adding new data to your String algorithmically, like in a for-loop.
It is simple to use and performs better than StringBuffer. However, remember that the StringBuilder is not thread-safe, in contrast to the StringBuffer, and may not be suitable for all use cases.
To add a new component to the String, you need to call the append method on a new instance of the StringBuilder. And once all the pieces have been combined, you can use the function toString() { [native code] }() method to get the combined String.
An easy example is shown in the following snippet of code.
This loop turns I into a String and adds it and a space to the StringBuilder sb during each iteration. The code then finishes by writing to the log file, "This is a test0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9."
The first element of your String can be passed to the function Object() { [native code] } method, as shown in the code snippet.
Doing so will create a new StringBuilder with 16 additional characters in addition to the String that was provided. Your JVM will flexibly increase the size of the StringBuilder as you add more characters.
Suppose you already know how many characters your String will have. In that case, you can pass that information to various function Object() { [native code] } methods to instantly create a StringBuilder with the specified capacity. As a result, it becomes even more efficient because it no longer needs to increase its capacity dynamically.
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Use + to concatenate Strings in in one statement
When you created your first Java programme, someone likely warned you against concatenating Strings. It is accurate if you are concatenating Strings in your application logic.
The outcome of each String concatenation is saved in a new String object because strings are immutable.
This utilizes more memory and induces your application to run slowly, especially if you're concatenating multiple Strings inside a loop.
In these circumstances, you should use a StringBuilder and adhere to tip number 5. However, if you're splitting a String into multiple lines to make your code more readable, that's not the case.
In these cases, it would help if you concatenated your Strings using the short + symbol. Your Java compiler will optimize this, and the concatenation is done at compile time.
As a result, no concatenation will be necessary during runtime because your code will only use one String.
Use primitives where possible
Utilizing primitive types rather than their wrapper classes is another quick and simple way to reduce operational costs and enhance the performance of your application.
Therefore, it is preferable to use an int rather than an integer or a double rather than a double. This enables your JVM to handle it more effectively by storing the value in the stack rather than the heap and using less memory.
Stay away from BigInteger and BigDecimal:
We should also quickly look at BigInteger and BigDecimal since we're already discussing data types. The latter is particularly well-liked due to its accuracy. That, however, has a cost.
BigInteger and BigDecimal significantly slow down all calculations and demand more memory than a simple long or double.
So, if you presume your numbers will be too precise or fall outside of a long-range, you should consider it. If you are using a mathematical algorithm, changing this might be the only thing you need to do to improve performance.
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Check the current log level first
Although it should go without saying, a lot of code does not adhere to this rule. Always double-check the current log level before creating a debug notification. If you don't, your log notification creates an ignored String.
Here are 2 examples of how you should NOT do it.
In both cases, you will go through all the necessary steps to create the log message before you know whether your logging framework will use it.
Before creating the debug message, checking the current log level is preferable.
Use Apache Commons StringUtils.replace instead of String.replace:
The String.replace method works efficiently if you use Java 9.
But if your application needs multiple replacement operations and you still need to update to the newest Java version, it requires you to check for faster alternatives.
The StringUtils.replace method from Apache Commons Lang is one potential option. It performs noticeably better than Java 8's String.replace method.
And there only needs to be a minor adjustment. You must replace all calls to the String.replace method with calls to the StringUtils.replace method and add a Maven dependency for the Apache Commons Lang project to your application's pom.xml file.
Cache expensive resources, like database connections
A common method for avoiding the repetitive implementation of expensive or frequently used code snippets is caching.
The general concept is simple and clear: Creating new resources frequently is more expensive than reusing existing ones.
Caching database connections in a pool is a common example.
Reusing an existing connection saves time compared to creating a new one.
So, these are a few tips to Optimize Java Code Performance. Now that you have understood the importance of java performance tuning, high performance in Java, and code optimization in Java. So, if you are interested in beginning your career as a java developer, you can join Java Training in Bangalore, which will help you understand java performance tuning, how to optimize java code, Methods, Object, Constructors Strings, etc.