What is RPA Blue Prism? A beginner's Guide to Blue Prism

What is RPA Blue Prism? A Beginner's Guide to Blue Prism

As technology increases, the innovation of new technology emerges tremendously. The digital world is moving towards creating new processes. The demand for automation increases in every small to large company to increase business efficiency. Businesses are using the modern technological spectacle of robotic process automation to automate their tasks and processes.

In this blog, we shall discuss the features of robotic process automation, what is Blue Prism and who is the Blue Prism developer. Before moving on to the comprehensive learning of Blue Prism, we must have a basic understanding of the benefits of RPA and the tools of RPA.

RPA Benefits

The benefits of RPA are as follows:

  • The business which utilizes the RPA will increase customer satisfaction.
  • Deliver product quality and accuracy
  • Help in improving the business productivity
  • It is scalable, flexible, cost-effective and reduces manual work.
  • UP TO 75% of lessening in AHT (Average Handle Time)
  • Up to 85% of lessening in ART (Average Resolution Time)
  • Increase Return on Investment
  • Creating a unified customer view

If you intend to become an RPA developer, you could join RPA Training in Chennai, which will help you understand the features of robotic process automation, deploying the Blue Prism tool, and how to automate the virtual environment.

RPA Tools

The market is stocked with the following well-liked RPA tools

Now, we shall discuss what is Blue Prism and the features of robotic process automation in detail.

What is Blue Prism?

Blue Prism is a software-based development Robotic Process Automation company based in the UK. The organization provides robotic-based software that helps automate clerical back-office processes that mimic the human brain. Blue Prism invented Robotic Process Automation (RPA). This demonstrates that the business is a leader in creating RPA software.

The main adaptation of the Blue Prism for their business operation is to increase productivity. Utilize RPA- based software tools to help the business process to be agile and cost-effective, as it has the rich feature of automation and repetitive back-office processes to ensure the accuracy of the Digital Workforce. Each step of the business operations can be automated using the drag and drop feature in the RPA Blue Prism tool, which has a flow chart-like designer.

To learn more about the Blue Prism tool, you can join Blue Prism Online Training and understand the responsibility of the Blue Prism developer, the uses of Blue Prism automation and many other crucial concepts of Blue Prism.

Features of robotic process automation

Here are the popular Blue Prism RPA features:

  • Centralized, scalable, and safe management of a software robot virtual workforce
  • Complete automation solution that manages backlogs and disseminates work
  • The robust features of Blue Prism include load balancing, encoding, and evaluation.
  • Additionally, it provides centrally defined and managed robots.
  • For diverse applications, the Blue Prism automation tool provides a variety of spying modes.
  • Many new features make it easier to set up Dashboards so that data from sessions are sent to outside analytics and monitoring systems.
  • Blue Prism's most recent version 6, which supports Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS cloud deployment patterns
  • It is possible to save a screen capture during the exception stages.
  • This feature can safely address problems with resource processing when employed in a production environment.
  • Excel, Extensible Markup Language, comma-separated values, Portable Document Format, images, etc., can all be automated.
  • When using the Blue Prism tool, there is no need to write any code.
  • It can automate Java, Mainframe, Web-based, and Windows Applications software.

What does Blue Prism Developer do?

The main responsibility of a Blue Prism Developer is to develop robotic processes using code in order to build robots on the Blue Prism platform. To speed up the complete process without human intervention, these processes are supposed to adhere to a set of rules. The duties of a Blue Prism developer can change depending on their level of experience, the requirements of a given project, and many other variables.

The roles and responsibilities of Blue Prism developers have been divided into the following categories so that you will have a good idea of what to expect when you apply for the position of Blue Prism developer.

Components of Blue Prism

Blue Prism is a collection of runtime environments, libraries, and tools for RPA.

Every software robot consists of two main components:

  • Process Studio
  • Object Studio

To have a profound understanding of robotic process automation, you can join RPA Training Online, which will help you understand the advantages of Robotic Process Automation, Automation of back office repetitive processes and other crucial concepts of RPA.

What is Object Studio?

Blue Prism's Object Studio is used to create various objects.

Visual Business Object creation can be done in Object Studio.

It is referred to as VBO. A Visual Business Object developed to work with other programmes. In the Object Studio, various actions are carried out on these objects.

We shall observe that Process Studio resembles Object Studio quite closely. Key distinctions include the following:

  • The Stage is the unique feature of Object Studio, whereas Process Studio does not have such a feature.
  • On the other hand, Object Studio does not have the Main Page; instead, it has two default pages.
  • Unlike the Process Studio, where pages are arranged in a hierarchy, they are set in a flat group.

Benefits of Developing VBO

  • Scalability and accuracy
  • Bot formation for subsequent steps takes less time.
  • Instead of updating the system for each method, only one set needed to be updated.
  • Bot upkeep becomes simple.

What is Process Studio?

An actual process is created in the Process Studio and has a traditional flowchart-like appearance. It enables the sequencing and testing of object calls, control loops, parameters, and business rules in a clear business flow. The technique defined in the Process Studio generally resembles a flowchart, and each page in a process has its tab.

The implemented and integrated robotic-based software processes like humans, and unlike we interact with the human, it provides personal interaction with multiple applications which help carry out the steps.

Process diagram

  • Process diagrams comprise multiple stages, which help connect and use the link to form logical structures.
  • The mouse selects stages from the toolbar and positions them on the graph.
  • Similar to what you might anticipate, they can be picked out, dragged, resized, formatted, cut, duplicated, pasted, and deleted.
  • By double-clicking, you can access the multiple components available for stages.
  • Drag the mouse from the centre of one Stage to the centre of another to use the link tool to create links.
  • Multiple stages are chosen at once by dragging without the link tool.

Today, we will learn how the Blue Prism automation process is created in detail:

How to Create a New Blue Prism automation process

Choose "Studio" from the menu top of the Blue Prism window's main window.

What is RPA Blue Prism

Or choose the Studio icon from the left-hand navigation menu.

RPA Blue Prism
  • Create a process by choosing "Create a Process" from the context menu when you right-click the Processes heading under the studio.
  • First Process is the name of the new process.
  • Type a concise summary of the process.
Beginner's Guide to Blue Prism
  • The new process will emerge under the Processes heading, and you can double-click to open it.
  • The Stages toolbar is located on the left side of the screen.
  • A stage is added to the page by clicking and dragging it into place. Drag a few various stages onto the page to test this.
  • As you can see, a blue rectangle highlights one of the stages in the stages toolbar. If you click directly on the page, whichever Stage is highlighted will be added.
  • The calculation phase will be highlighted when you click on it in the toolbar.
RPA Blue Prism

Here, the cursor changes, and an icon for the calculation stage is immediately adjacent. Select the process page at this time to add a calculation stage. This will save you from returning to the toolbar if you have multiple stages of the same type to add.

You can move and drag other stage types even with the active calculation stage cursor.

When stages are on the page, you can:

  • To view the properties of various stages, double-click on them.
  • Keep the diagram open while pressing the Save button.

The diagram can be moved around with the help of the pan and zoom tools because space in Process Studio is essentially infinite.

The grid lines and "snap" settings are on by default, but you can turn them off (through the View menu) if you need to.

As we discussed, the features of robotic process automation, the uses of Blue Prism automation and the benefits of the Blue Prism tool.

To comprehensively understand Blue Prism, you can join Blue Prism Training in Chennai and learn the future of RPA, Blue Prism Modules, Studio Module, Control Module, Dashboard Module and many other modules of Blue Prism.

Advantages of Process Studio

  • A process and a business object are very similar.
  • A page or more is used to define each process.
  • Each page includes a range of stages and data.
  • It always starts on its home page.
  • A separate tab for each page in a process allows you to organize the operations into different logical groupings.
  • A process behaves much like a quick-thinking, quick-typing human user.
  • The process is documented for the Control Room to notice it.
  • The most significant benefit of the process studio is that it enables you to graphically organize the design surface and design the logic from there.

What is a Business Object?

Any organization that wants to implement RPA will need a standard process to perform a few tasks efficiently and collaborate with external applications.

The interface to an application is never shown in the process diagram; instead, it is shown in a different diagram called the business object.

  • A business object has never been set up in Process Studio; instead, it takes place in Object Studio, a different environment.
  • Providing an interface to a single app is the main objective of a business object.
  • A business object isn't even utilized or subjected to the control room.
  • Instead, a Process always makes use of it.

Benefits of using Blue Prism

The following are some of Blue Prism's main advantages:

  • IT expertise is not required to implement it.
  • It is simple to implement and only takes four to six weeks.
  • Offers the highest ROI possible, huge payback, and self-funding returns.
  • Increases the bot's speed by automating the application's controls and fields, regardless of where they are on the screen. Custom digital front-ends integrate front-office personnel and back-office automation to increase productivity and human-robot interaction.
  • A powerful analytics tool with in-built features
  • Support for double-byte character sets enables you to extend RPA to systems and processes that require double-byte, such as those involving Asian languages.
  • Multi-tiered encryption algorithms provide secure connectivity, data storage, and access.
  • Certified CyberArk password vaults can manage enterprise credentials.
  • Create end-to-end business processes that are incredibly efficient and automated.
  • The Custom Permissions technology helps user-specific credentability to robot groups, robotic systems, and processes for safe robotic automation.
  • The upgraded control room provides real-time information on robot status and enables you to understand the complete digital workforce.

Now that you have understood what is Blue Prism, the features of robotic process automation and the responsibility of Blue Prism developers. So, If you intend to learn the in-depth concepts of RPA, you could enrol in RPA Training in Bangalore and learn from the basic to advanced concepts of RPA, such as Workflow automation, debugging and exception handling.

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